Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tintern Abbey

1. Wordsworth does not forget to talk about nature in his "Odes of Intimations of Immortality." Nature is all he talks about, especially about nature and its relationship to humanity. Nature is a beautiful thing, it's wonderful to look at and spend time admiring. He believes that humanity is not close enough to nature. The sun represented birth, which was good, but Wordsworth realized that anywhere he went glory could be taken away. The clouds make a dark setting, which is supposed to represent the bad things that happen in the world.

2. The sister was a great sister, who kept her brother looking forward towards the future, and often kept his mind busy by giving him something to think about to make it through the hard times. He loved nature, and went on to say nature never betrayed him. However, every time he though about his sister, he would become happy.

3. In this poem, it talks about how his memory of all the beautiful forms has "worked upon him in his absence from them." It goes on to talk about how his memories affected him, even when he was not aware that they were.
4. Poems from the romantic period mainly represented nature. Nature was basically a balancing of forces between nature and humans.

5. Keats and Shelley have some similarities in their poems. For instance, they both write about nature, which is a large way to show their emotions. One main difference, however, is that Shelley uses more of a darker mood while writing, where Keats uses less.

6. In my opinion, a single emotion that attracts the reader would be love. I think love attracts the reader, mostly because it is clearly influenced by nature. These poems are very strongly worded about nature and what they care about.

"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The Soul that rises with us, our life's star,"
-William Wordsworth

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