Sunday, March 5, 2017

Human Conduct

First off, the Beatitudes state that you should serve the Lord. They are also for Christians. The Beatitudes are from the Bible, and they state that Jesus died on the cross. The Greeks are much different. They served many gods, not just one supreme god. They also have many different religions. The Greeks have different books that tell stories instead of having one big book. Instead, of having a Jesus that died on the cross, they have many gods and goddess playing different roles in different scenarios and never dying.
The answer to the second problem is that Islamic's heaven has warriors. You can only enter this heaven if you are permitted by Allah and you do good deeds. Christians and Jews believe that you have to be saved, and you cannot enter because of what you have done, and your sins are forgiven when you enter. Hell to Islam is a place where enemies are sent, and it is based on your bad needs. Again, Allah must permit this. In Islamic hell, there are seven doors that lead to fiery craters with different levels. Which level you end up on it based on how bad you were during your lifetime on earth. Catholics believe that it is punishment enough to simply not have eternal life with the one, true God. There are not different levels based on how bad you were, and there is no physical pain. To Christian's and Jews, hell is a place where Satan is, and also a place of deception and corruption. Both religions however believe in some sort of judgement day. 

Lastly, the issues of women. Women were treated like an object. They were basically treated the same way slaves were. At this time, they were only needed for work. Women are not men's property, and definitely should not be treated like it. Similarly in history, slaves were treated the same in the United States. In comparison, slaves and Islamic women are alive only for the benefit of man. In other words, they serve no purpose but to be pleasureful and useful for man.

"Don't be a woman that needs a man, be a woman a man needs!"

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